MGZ’s recent project featured in the Boston Globe

Sunday, June 21st, 2009
Project featured in Boston Globe

MGZ, as builder, collaborated with architect Robert Stein to create this challenging project. The existing house was situated on a long, narrow lot which required greater coordination and logistical attention than the average renovation. The construction was unusually extensive, requiring the owners to temporarily relocate to another home during part of the process. When they were able to move back in, however, they believed that it was well worth the wait. The existing house was also extensively renovated, providing an open flow from new to existing spaces, with a light filled kitchen and breakfast area. Click here to see interior views of the new and renovated areas.
You can find the full article here.

Historical restoration featured in local paper

Saturday, April 25th, 2009
Michael Gelb with painting subcontractor John Wise

On April 24, 2009, the Blackstone Valley Tribune featured an article about our renovation of the historic E.N. Jenkes Store in Douglas, Massachusetts. As part of a much needed face lift, we carefully rebuilt a massive skylight structure on the top of the store.

The article can be found here (middle of the front page). You can also see pictures of the restoration in our portfolio gallery.

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